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Author: jessemiller

Writer. Teacher. Human-type person.


Read TS/IS/ Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say pp. 68-75 and underline lines and passages that are interesting (30 min) Journal (# 11): Explain why the lines and passages you’ve underlined are interesting and/or important in TS/IS? (20 min)

Journal (# 5)

Journal (# 5)

Journal # 5: Look over the first two sections of the Pollan reading and identify: 1 passage you agree with 1 passage you disagree with 1 passage that you are conflicted about For EACH passage, write 3-4 sentences about why you A/D/C with the ideas and how this passage might be useful in a CONVERSATION about animal rights/suffering/morality/the pleasures of eating. (30-45 min)
