Journal (# 8): Explain why the lines and passages you’ve underlined are interesting and/or important in TS/IS? (20 min)
Journal (# 7)
Journal (# 7): Explain why the lines and passages you’ve underlined are interesting and/or important in TS/IS? (20 min)
Journal (#6): Follow the Practice Session Reflecting on p. (30 min)
Journal (# 5)
Journal # 5: Look over the first two sections of the Pollan reading and identify: 1 passage you agree with 1 passage you disagree with 1 passage that you are conflicted about For EACH passage, write 3-4 sentences about why you A/D/C with the ideas and how this passage might be useful in a CONVERSATION about animal rights/suffering/morality/the pleasures of eating. (30-45 min)
Journal (#4)
Journal (#4): Practice Session ONE (p.24) on an unexpected event. Post on your ePort AND post on our course site in the designated spot. This is how you earn credit. (60 min.)
Journal (#3)
Journal (#3): Take a look at your notes and distill some of your thoughts into something a little like 2 paragraphs-6-10 sentences each. Post on your ePort AND post on our course site in the designated spot. This is how you earn credit. (60 min.)
Journal (#2) on ways you’ve been altering/changing your approach to one of the following: What is unlearning in this context? How might you be unlearning one or more of the follow? How does that feel? Curiosity Attentiveness Openness Flexibility Reflectiveness Persistence Post Journal 2 on your ePort AND post on our course site in the designated spot. This is how you earn credit. 30 min.