Miller ENG 122
PLT Project # 2
For PLT # 2, you’ll be working with TED Talk texts (Carol Dweck, Atul Gawande, and Amy Cuddy) and your own experiences and work as college students from this semester to develop a paper-like thing. While not a full academic essay proper, the goal of this project is to help prepare you for a full-fledged academic essay in the future.
In this way, we’ll be working to isolate and comprehend key concepts in one anchor text, and then examine how this text fits with the work you’ve already completed this semester in the form of your Artifacts, Journals, and your Mid-semester report.
Your task for stage one is to carefully summarize the anchor text of your choosing.
àTo begin, create at PLT# 2 page on your ePortfolio.
*****To earn credit:
Send me the link to this page BEFORE class on _____Monday, November 5____.
NY/E __________/2_______.
à Now, consider the 3 Ted Talks we examined and discussed:
Carol Dweck: The Power of Believing You Can Improve
Atul Gawande: Want to Get Great at Something? Get a Coach
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
Describe each of these texts focusing on key concepts in a 3-4 sentences. If you are unable to do so readily, you’ll likely need to revisit these works.
*****To earn credit:
Print out a copy of this part of the project and turn it in on ____Monday, November 5____.
NY/OK/E __________/3_______.
Sentence level concerns: NY/OK/E __________/2_______.
àNext, consider the range of experiences and work captured in your Artifacts, Journals, and your Mid-semester report and decide which text above most aligns accurately with your experience as a college student this semester. This text will be your anchor text for the project.
Then, once you select your anchor text, summarize this text in 400-500 words. Work to help report on who your source is exactly, their background, the keys concepts in the text, and specific examples that flesh out your summary reporting.
- Use signal phrases to move away from your reporting to allow your source to speak. Refer to back to TS/IS.
- Be sure to quote from the anchor text at least 2 times for this portion with more than just a snippet quote.
Summary Draft 1 of no less than 300 words will be posted BEFORE class on ______11/5_____.
In class that day, exchange drafts and offer 3 comments for each paper. Use the guidelines for good peer review below to help to improve the thinking and writing of classmates. In your comments be sure to:
- Be generous and considerate in tone;
- Describe what you see or think as a reader, leading to a diagnosis of a problem or description of an improvement to be made;
- Suggest a specific strategy for improvement;
- Provide additional insight by: asking leading questions, providing further detail, suggesting specific materials for inclusion, or engaging in dialogue with the writer.
Peer Review Journal: Make note of the most helpful comment you offered and received and record it as a journal BEFORE class ends on ______11/5_____.
Summary Draft 2 of no less than 400 words will be revised in class on_______11/7_____ and posted; send me the link before class ends.
*****To earn credit:
Post Summary Draft 1 on your PLT # 2 page BEFOEE class on ___11/5___ and send me the link.
NY/G/E __________/5_______.
Peer Review Journal posted before class ends on ___11/5___.
NY/G/E __________/5_______.
Print a copy of Summary Draft 3 for evaluation and bring to class on 11/19; post Summary Draft 3 on your PLT # 2 page BEFORE class on ___11/9___ and send me the link.
NY/OK/G/E __________/20_______.
Sentence level concerns: NY/OK/E __________/3_______.
GRADE FOR THIS PORTION ______________/40 total points_______.