Field Notes:  Pick 5 of these to complete throughout the semester, no more than one per week:

  • Visit a professor in major or area of interest in an office hour – interview them about the role of reading and writing in the profession
  • Visit a professor in an office hour to talk about an assignment/concern in a class you’re taking
  • Attend a SASC “how to study” or test prep workshop or have a Learning Specialist Consultation
  • Book and keep an appointment with a SASC tutor
  • Interview and profile a former Stretch student– what made them a successful student?
  • Interview and profile a fellow student whom you admire as a student – what makes them a successful student?
  • Attend an Center for the Global Humanities event on Portland Campus – bonus points for asking a question
  • Find an online magazine or podcast that thinks things through and read/listen to something (check with me first)
  • Read this article about JD Martinez and without too much prompting from me, help me understand how his process and practice might be in conversation with our work in ENG 122.

For each one you select, distill your experience in a short essay.  Time-on-task of writing (not including the event) should be 1 hour.  Be sure post your short essay on your ePortfolio under a page labeled “Field Notes.”

Field Notes, Artifacts, and other experiences will be stitched together toward the end of the term to form a significant writing project.
