Reflect on what the course has meant to you and how you’ve thought about things: college learning vs. HS learning/drafting/coaching/growth mindset/faking it until you become/using an ePortfolio, and express your ideas in multi-genre package—probably IMovie/movie maker.


Mac lab/DigiSpace, including:

Video camera

IMovie/movie maker

Lavalier microphones

Digital consultants

The internet

Your spacephone

Your ePortfolio

Your infinite imagination


Things to consider:

An idea: I think it could work to capture your process of drafting one of your PLTs and add visuals (whatever they might be) to the background (maybe like a voice over). Maybe try:

Show your process working, revising, processing, thinking about the work of this course?

Mining/displaying/capturing your ePortfolio/peer review as expressions of good work

Some expression of experiences growth (and growth mindset) this term?

Thinking/rethinking your life as a student?


I’m open to just about anything here as long as you are invested in the project and you pitch it to me first.

The last day I can accept these projects is Friday, December 7.
