Journal # 17: Read the transcript for the Amy Cuddy Ted Talk and come up with 3 “meaty” questions that arise after reading.  Each question should strive provoke a response that is more than just yes or no, so these could be multiple sentence questions, potentially with statements that help establish background or context.  Develop each question and aim of 30-40 words per question.

9 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 17

  1. When talking about how you got back into college when you had to leave how did you get yourself back into college what did it take? How hard was it for you to cope with the fact that you’re IQ was lowered?

    When seeing the difference in the lunch tables at high schools is it that they are broken up mostly by social class or is it just by sports or popularity? And why do you think this happens?

    When talking about the concept fake it until you make it or become it can it be used in all different ways or just when talking about how people act and the way they carry themselves and what does it truly mean to you?

  2. In Amy Cuddy’s TED talk about faking it until you make it, multiple questions arose from reading it. The first being, how do nonverbal expressions show higher dominance to others? We tend to make ourselves smaller around people of higher power, and Amy said women especially did this when a male figure was around. So why do we have to limit our power when around others who have more than us? I feel as if we should be more outgoing and show more confidence around people like that. Second, for someone who feels powerless all the time around many people, whether they’re powerless or not, what would she recommend to do so when we are in certain situations we can feel confident and in control of our own lives and how does someone go about faking it until you make it? Thirdly, what does Cuddy want us to do during the two minutes before a big event? Does she want us to meditate pray, take a deep breath? What can we do to mentally prepare ourselves for something that is about to happen.

  3. Amy Cuddy says by changing your posture for two minutes can change the way your life unfolds. So how you are sitting can change the way your life unfolds. Like hunching over, crossing your legs, maybe even wrapping your ankles…these things make you smaller than you actually are. How does changing your posture affect the way your life unfolds?
    Why is body language have such a big impact on communicating? We can think about a handshake or a lake a handshake. Amy Cuddy talks about smiling and laughing. How body language shows us communicating to each other.
    How can we understand how people communicate or retract by looking at schools? Amy Cuddy talks about how most things are related to gender but if your only looking a school setting. How do you know this information is true.

  4. 1. When did you first start getting involved with body language with others and why? was it from personal experience? or was it some fascination for it?
    2. Is there anyway that your tests you have tested on people have given mixed results? were there any tests you had given that also produced outliers?
    3. why is it when we feel powerless we close up? is it a defense mechanism? why is it when we feel powerful we do not close up? is it to make ourselves look bigger?

  5. Has there ever been at time in your life were you felt smaller to someone? Amy cuddy talks about how these people that think they have power believe that they can take it from you or make you feel smaller and not want to be who you truly are.

    Do you believe that if someone feels powerful are they powerful? Cudy represents the idea that these people who believe that they have power the more likely to feel powerful.

    Do you believe when someone looks you up and down that there trying to belittle you or intimidate you? Amy cuddy talks about how our bodies changes our minds and our minds can change our behavior. So if someone is looking at you and judges you based on your body language that can change your whole mind on oh do they like me, do they not like me or why are they staring at me?

  6. Journal 17

    Can body language really dictate what kind of person you are and if so is this the reason why when growing up as a kid people would emphasize on posture and manners?

    Why is it that when human or animal feel powerless they they tend to make themselves small and vice versa why is it that when we win we tend to throw our hands up feeling very powerful?

    I tend to find myself faking it until I make it all the time why do you think humans do this and is it okay that we do so, as long as we get ahead in life?

  7. The first question I have is, how are all these small details regarding body language going to unfold so many new doors for you? I feel as if i have still seen shy people with more opportunities based on their ability rather than just confidence?
    A second question I would ask is, what advice would Amy give someone who is shy but wants to open up? It’s hard for someone with little confidence to all of a sudden act like they are full with it.
    A third question I would have to ask Amy is, do you think there are different types of powerful? I feel as if some people really like to be powerful and use it to their advantage by just being non-respectful about it. While, I feel there are people powerful in a different way that don’t use it to their advantage and try to belittle other people and do good with it.

  8. 1.How is crossing your legs or hunching the act of “making yourself smaller? And how does “making yourself smaller” give off a sign of communication? What’s the difference between making yourself smaller vs larger?

    2.Is this behavior unconscious? How do you fake being confident if this is an unconscious behavior? Can this behavior be prevented or is it recognized while in action?

    3.Do past experiences influence one’s concept of power? If so, once they talk those past memories out to the point they do not influence them, will their body posture change itself or will they need to work on it?

  9. Its sort of unusual but,There is only one question that i have for the talk is “ How to fake it until you make it, and eventually become it?” During the talk she talks about how nonverbal behaviors ships our mind and how we sweeping judgments and inferences from language to others or ourself, and by making you self look bigger for 2 minuets can help you on upcoming important events. Well i do agree her statments based on her study. Body language do help show other people a better sense of what you are trying to express and a better chance on prediction of your personality and current mental stage. However, Human are not always in a stable mental stage. We could be happy sometimes cause your girlfriend finally stop complaining about stuff, and you could be really upset cause she is being a cyka. All that “fake it till you make it” is only temporary, and whatever you are trying to fake it, not facing up, or something you are trying to run away from, it will come back to you stronger then ever. Here comes my question. “Can you really fake it till you become it?” For the longest time that i could remember, people has being telling me to “BE ME.” Be who you are, play your “role”, and one day the world will find what you really are, and appreciate you. “Fake it till make it” just sounds totally different and even wrong to me to me.

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