Dweck’s Ted Talk spoke about how there is a new path into the future of learning. This theory of grading kids work on “Not Yet” compared to a failing grade can be a confidence boost. In a study they focused on the way a child applies themself during learning.“On the left, you see the fixed-mindset students. There’s hardly any activity. They run into error” (1). As a high school student I can say when I can into a problem I soon gave up and did not want to move forward with me work. Coming into English 122 and learning that we used a scale of ok, good, excellent. This made me want to do more of my work and apply myself to the class. English 122 is also very different from high school which is something I enjoy. Doing a journal reflection after every class has also helped me understand the concept of “Not Yet” insteading a failing grade.
Dweck talked about how kids that received bad grades continued to receive bad grades because have a F on the page was not a confidence boost. “In this study, students who were not taught this growth mindset continued to show declining grades over this difficult school transition, but those who were taught this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades” (2). This was me in middle school, I received okay grades and then continued to get okay grades because I didn’t think it was worth to get good grades. I talked about this in my Artifact 1 and now I know I would like to get better grades. The theory of “Not Yet” is a confidence boost to me.
I know that one thing that makes a connection from the Dweck’s Ted Talk to our class is that we have a “Yet” system as well. There is no letter grades to let you know what you are doing based off your work. It’s not about the end product it’s more about the process you take to get to the end product. Within our class we have taken many steps to writing our Artifacts and it is graded based off Not Yet, OK, Good, Exillent. By having these categories it doesn’t allow the student to stress of whether or not they got an A or a B or even if they have failed. The grade we receive is based off how well we followed the process into creating the writing we are turning in. Within the Ted Talk Dweck states, “They process the error. They learn from it and they correct it” this shows growth mindset and by reviving a “Yet” grade the student will see that they have more potential and they will want to try and fix it rather than receiving a set letter grade they will just take it and they will not want to try and fix it.
Another thing that Dweck has mentioned that goes along with the class or more importantly the work that I have done personally is the post conference report. For the post conference report we had talked with the teacher and we had talked about what is both working for me personally and what is not working for me in class. Soon after I had written a report about what we had talked about and what I had done to prepare for the conference or if they prepared for it. I believe that during the conference there was some amount of praise when we had talked about what aspect were working for me. By giving a small amount of praise I feel as though I have done a good job and that I will want to continue to keep doing what I was praised for. Dweck mentions, “First of all, we can praise wisely” by giving a small amount of praise I feel is good rather than giving a huge amount I feel as though I would want to work up to the big amount of praise because the small praise was a confidence booster to help me do better than what I was doing before I was praised.
A connection that was made from JD Martinez and Dweck’s Ted Talk was the ability of process and growth. To be presented with a challenge and not give up but improve upon what they can’t do yet. Dweck goes on to present the power of, “Not Yet,” that can help kids understand that there just needs to be improve not the end of the world. Showing a kid an F may cause catastrophic effects for most students which would cause there to be no improvement. She presents a positive way of thinking about upcoming challenges from students, “They said things like, ‘I love a challenge’ or, ‘You know, I was hoping this would be informative.’ They had what I call a growth mindset.” She brought in a new way of thinking about our mindset and how we look at different challenges. Relating back to growth, this mindset she presents is something that can be brought out of students if we grade in terms of, “Not Yet.” To teach multiple students this mindset will give them the tools to improve on something that they haven’t reach yet. Just as in JD Martinez story, he didn’t start off as a pro hitter and was actually terrible at making hits. It was when someone on the Astro’s who brought up his terrible swing, but instead of seeing this as an insult, he saw this as a new challenge to tackle. Once, JD injured himself and had to sit out for a couple of games, that was where he started to improve in the bug leagues. He notice how his swing was different from other players and soon he would go ask their catcher Jason Castro, “‘How did you learn to swing like that.’ Castro simply responded, ‘You need to see my guys in California.’ What JD would find, would change his career forever.” Just as Dweck had mentioned a growth mindset, JD Martinez had that mindset that Dweck had seen in some students. Watching as they improved in something they didn’t understand to now where that improvement has made a catastrophic difference.
A connection I was able to make between Dwech’s Ted Talk and my high school narrative was the concept of mindsets. Her bringing in the idea of a fixed mindset which I notice in my high school self that is the mindset I followed. Going by letter grades rather then “Not Yet.” Dwech goes into the idea of a fixed mindset with her students. After describing a the positive feedback of a growth mindset, she mentions the fixed mindset and how this makes students lead to failure. As she would describe it, “But other students felt it was tragic, catastrophic. From their fixed mindset perspective, their intelligence had been up for judgement, and they failed. Instead of luxuriating in the power of yet, they were gripped in the tyranny of now.” She begins to describe the power of yet as a path for the future while in fixed mindset fails to present that and will always be stuck in the present. Her concept of mindsets is able to put perspective on what most children face in school. This fits with her concept of mindset leading to improvement and that a fixed mindset is not gonna give you any improvement. Just as in high school, I had a fixed mindset when tackling assignments. I worried about the next grade and failing but not looking for improvement when I had failed. As I described my Junior year, “Junior year was a nightmare come to life. Homework had stopped counting so I just stopped caring to do homework. Constantly worrying for my grade and procrastinating till the last second.” Even for these changes, Grades were my only concern and if I failed, there was no improvement just not caring hoping I did better then some else. My high school self relates to the fixed mindset that Dwech does into detail with in her Ted talk. If I wanted to see improvement I should try her not yet process that could help me improve throughout college.
Having the not yet mindset, makes you think of the grade a different way, it shows you that you can get to the point. The way children are raised and grown up in life makes them all either be one person or have one certain mindset. “How are we raising our children? Are we raising them for now instead of yet?”. When kids get a grade like an F, they’re confidence on the subject goes down because they feel as if they should get it with one shot. A ‘not yet’ shows kids they can keep trying, they don’t have to get it on the first shot, if you keep trying at it you will get more experience with it and have a better overall knowledge of it instead of just going from one lesson to another and just focusing on that. On my post conference report rubric, Jesse wrote, “Ok you’re starting to introduce the tensions in this conversation” and gave me a grade of OK. Showing me i did an OK job on it and how I did an OK job, then in conference told me what to do to get it to excellent. So I know i did something write and i’m on the road to doing better. These two quoted portions fit together, by showing a good way to teach students to make them want to keep trying. Grading a different way and trying to make them better rather than just giving them a grade.
The second claim I am trying to make is to keep trying to get students to grow with different strategies. A quote from Dweck’s Ted Talk “…you see the fixed mindset students. There’s hardly an activity. They run from the error. … you have the student’s with the growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. They engage deeply.” There are two different types of students, the one’s who take on the challenge and are willing to grow when they fail, and the others are students who shy away from the challenge because they don’t think they can get to the point where they could solve it. If teachers with some subjects try to grade their students differently and let them know that it is ok that they don’t get it yet, that they will get it, it just takes effort. During Artifact #1, Jesse gave me different ideas to fix my mistakes from high school. He gave me a different outlook so I could do better and improve my ways. These two quoted portions fit together to fit my claim by, just actually helping your students in a different way. There are different ways to make a student better.
If all students were to have a growth mindset it is more than likely they will have a successful school career. According to Dweck “They understood that their abilities could be developed. They had what I called a growth mindset.” This quote fit perfectly with the first sentence because it explains how student who are willing to accept their failures and progress has a growth mindset.
In my journal reflections you can see the growth of my mind from my first journal to now. “I was always the one who wrote in steps and thought that would be okay, but the approach that Habits of the Creative Mind shows feels way better than just being a monotoned writer.” This quote ties in with the claim stated before because it explains how I use to write which is no longer accepted and how I was willing to adopt a new style of writing. This is a prime example of a growth mindset.
In “The Power of Yet”, Carol Dweck’s emphasizes that growth mindset is all about being able to see your future and wanting to develop your mind to see new ideas. During my Post conference report I was able to see how I have a growth mindset on what I wanted to exceed in. As I wrote in my Post conference report”I need to focus more on putting my oar into the conversation and to make clear what part of the conversation am I in or why I disagree with the conversation. I need to be able to describe the position in the conversation like what is at stake, who are the stakeholders and what is the tenor of the conversation.” Dweck talks about the “not yet” which is an alternative to letter grading. Not yet creates a new way of looking at your graded work and being able to see where you are now and where you can be in the future. I learned that when you approach any task the mindset you have for the task is going to determine how you do. If your having an open mind and can see the challenge in it you have a growth mindset but if your worried about it and don’t want to try you have a fixed mindset. The scientific studies Dweck mentions show that “ Fixed mindset students hardly have any brain activity. They run from the error. They don’t engage with it. But students with growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. They engage deeply. Their brain is on fire with yet. They engage deeply. They process the error. They learn from it and they correct it.” People with fixed mindset will not develop and will be avoidant of what they need to do. Others with growth mindset will improve and see the learning curve to the path of their future.
The questions that a student needs to ask themself to see if they’re a fixed or growth mind is do you want what you already have or do you want to change and challenge it. Between the post conference and this ted talks I have become more open to hearing about the way you think about the things you do is all dependent on the result. Teachers in my high school and even here have always told the students to have a positive attitude no matter what and now I understand why. If I were to receive a grade of a D I would feel horrible and not see the learning curve but if I got a not yet I would see that there is a learning curve that will lead to my future and that there is a way to develop better skills. The not yet gives students hope to progressing in their work.
When a student is willing to put the effort in they will transform their work. After my post conference I realized that even though I was doing my work, I wasn’t doing it to the best of my ability. I wasn’t talking a lot in class and I wasn’t inserting my opinion into my writing. Dweck points out that students in more underperforming places have made a large change in their effort and their difficulty with school. They went from being on the bottom of their district to the top of their district. She pinpoints that “ This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. Before effort and difficulty made them numb, made them feel like giving up, but now, effort and difficulty, that’s when their neurons are making new connections, stronger connections. That’s when they’re getting smarter.” When students are willing to put in more effort and challenging themselves, they’re able to grow and develope their minds to absorb more information. We have the ability to be capable of such a large growth but we need to be willing to put the effort in to create that growth.
Last class we watched a ted talk with the speaker, Carol Dweck. She talked about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. I experienced both a fixed and growth mindset throughout this semester, growth when I would work on my journals and fixed while working on the field notes.
A growth mindset happens when someone believes they are capable of expanding their knowledge and learning more. Dweck tells us about the outcome of giving 10 year olds math problems that are too difficult for them to solve, “Some of them reacted in a shockingly positive way. They said things like, “I love a challenge, or “You know I was hoping this would be more informative” (Dweck). When working on the journals I sometimes read about new ways to improve my writing and other skills that make me believe I’m capable of expanding my knowledge. In my journals I talk about how I can benefit from what I am reading and put what I am reading into my writing, which includes the templates in some of the sections we read.
On the field notes, I get a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset happens when someone doesn’t believe they’re not capable of expanding their knowledge. I have fallen behind on doing them and get caught up in other work so doing these assignments are usually the last things that come to mind. I plan to complete more this week and go to see the speaker on October 29 on the Portland campus. These two quoted portions fit together to support my claim because my struggle and success on these works fit the definition of a fixed and growth mindset.
with the not yet concept it is giving people or the students hope that they could do better if they just worked at it. in the ted talk they state that there are people who have a fixed mindset and people who have a growth mindset. the fixed mindset people are perfectly fine with being where they are at and don’t want to improve or they don’t feel the need to. The growth mindset person wants to improve in anyway they can they don’t want to ever settle where they are at they want to strive to be the best of the best.
After listening to Dweck’s ted talk i realize the importance of having the growth mind set as the semester moving forward, when I’m looking at my post conference report i realize to have growth mindset, and by looking at the not yet system, i realize i have the potential to grow. As the semester moving forward, i believe i have the right mindset which is growth mind-set to keep me improving. Dweck states “in one study, we taught them(students) that every time they push out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brain can form new stronger connections, and over time, they can get smarter.” If you see a diagram of brain action that identify each mindset, you can see student with growth mindset their neurons in their brain are fully actively and it cause a processing development to brain. Moreover, in Dweck’ talk, she introduce a “yet” system” it give students a thought that they have the potential to grow, unlike a “F” which will cause student focus on the result rather then the process and eventually it will lead student to the enter the thought of error which is known as the fixed mindset. Coming into English 122 is a big challenge to me, especially English my second language, but with the understanding of growth mindset, i know what is needed to success and the use of “yet” system make me think that i have potential to improve the “not yet” work and keep push me working instead of giving up.
One thing coming from English high school class to our college English class is the “Not Yet” system. In high school we had the normal letter grades A-F, but that doesn’t tell us how we can improve or gives us the spirit too. Now in college we have the “Not Yet” system in our english class that shows us yeah we are doing good but we still have to improve but gives us the motivation too. Dweck said “ but if you get the grade “Not Yet”, you understand that you’re on a learning curve”. This shows that there is room for improvement. You have got the basics of it but you still have room to improve and make it better. Having our english have this system makes it less stressful. Instead of getting down on myself and thinking I just failed and don’t know anything. I just think okay so i got the basis of it done and I know what I’m doing but I still need to improve.
Dweck talks about having a fixed or growth mindset a lot. If you have a fixed mindset then you are running from what you are doing wrong and don’t make the change to fix it. If you have a growth mindset then you are looking for critiques so you can change and grow. “ ..the fixed mindset students… They run from error…. The growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. I really like this thought because in this semester I have changed into a growth mindset. I know that if something happens and it’s not exactly what I wanted then I learn from it. I saw this a lot with my artifact #1. I had my paper in one big paragraph thinking back to high school ways. After working with Eric I saw that I could break down that paragraph so it looked like a real paper. Now I tie what I learned from the artifact #1 to all my papers to come.
10 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 15”
Dweck’s Ted Talk spoke about how there is a new path into the future of learning. This theory of grading kids work on “Not Yet” compared to a failing grade can be a confidence boost. In a study they focused on the way a child applies themself during learning.“On the left, you see the fixed-mindset students. There’s hardly any activity. They run into error” (1). As a high school student I can say when I can into a problem I soon gave up and did not want to move forward with me work. Coming into English 122 and learning that we used a scale of ok, good, excellent. This made me want to do more of my work and apply myself to the class. English 122 is also very different from high school which is something I enjoy. Doing a journal reflection after every class has also helped me understand the concept of “Not Yet” insteading a failing grade.
Dweck talked about how kids that received bad grades continued to receive bad grades because have a F on the page was not a confidence boost. “In this study, students who were not taught this growth mindset continued to show declining grades over this difficult school transition, but those who were taught this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades” (2). This was me in middle school, I received okay grades and then continued to get okay grades because I didn’t think it was worth to get good grades. I talked about this in my Artifact 1 and now I know I would like to get better grades. The theory of “Not Yet” is a confidence boost to me.
I know that one thing that makes a connection from the Dweck’s Ted Talk to our class is that we have a “Yet” system as well. There is no letter grades to let you know what you are doing based off your work. It’s not about the end product it’s more about the process you take to get to the end product. Within our class we have taken many steps to writing our Artifacts and it is graded based off Not Yet, OK, Good, Exillent. By having these categories it doesn’t allow the student to stress of whether or not they got an A or a B or even if they have failed. The grade we receive is based off how well we followed the process into creating the writing we are turning in. Within the Ted Talk Dweck states, “They process the error. They learn from it and they correct it” this shows growth mindset and by reviving a “Yet” grade the student will see that they have more potential and they will want to try and fix it rather than receiving a set letter grade they will just take it and they will not want to try and fix it.
Another thing that Dweck has mentioned that goes along with the class or more importantly the work that I have done personally is the post conference report. For the post conference report we had talked with the teacher and we had talked about what is both working for me personally and what is not working for me in class. Soon after I had written a report about what we had talked about and what I had done to prepare for the conference or if they prepared for it. I believe that during the conference there was some amount of praise when we had talked about what aspect were working for me. By giving a small amount of praise I feel as though I have done a good job and that I will want to continue to keep doing what I was praised for. Dweck mentions, “First of all, we can praise wisely” by giving a small amount of praise I feel is good rather than giving a huge amount I feel as though I would want to work up to the big amount of praise because the small praise was a confidence booster to help me do better than what I was doing before I was praised.
Alex Smyth:
A connection that was made from JD Martinez and Dweck’s Ted Talk was the ability of process and growth. To be presented with a challenge and not give up but improve upon what they can’t do yet. Dweck goes on to present the power of, “Not Yet,” that can help kids understand that there just needs to be improve not the end of the world. Showing a kid an F may cause catastrophic effects for most students which would cause there to be no improvement. She presents a positive way of thinking about upcoming challenges from students, “They said things like, ‘I love a challenge’ or, ‘You know, I was hoping this would be informative.’ They had what I call a growth mindset.” She brought in a new way of thinking about our mindset and how we look at different challenges. Relating back to growth, this mindset she presents is something that can be brought out of students if we grade in terms of, “Not Yet.” To teach multiple students this mindset will give them the tools to improve on something that they haven’t reach yet. Just as in JD Martinez story, he didn’t start off as a pro hitter and was actually terrible at making hits. It was when someone on the Astro’s who brought up his terrible swing, but instead of seeing this as an insult, he saw this as a new challenge to tackle. Once, JD injured himself and had to sit out for a couple of games, that was where he started to improve in the bug leagues. He notice how his swing was different from other players and soon he would go ask their catcher Jason Castro, “‘How did you learn to swing like that.’ Castro simply responded, ‘You need to see my guys in California.’ What JD would find, would change his career forever.” Just as Dweck had mentioned a growth mindset, JD Martinez had that mindset that Dweck had seen in some students. Watching as they improved in something they didn’t understand to now where that improvement has made a catastrophic difference.
A connection I was able to make between Dwech’s Ted Talk and my high school narrative was the concept of mindsets. Her bringing in the idea of a fixed mindset which I notice in my high school self that is the mindset I followed. Going by letter grades rather then “Not Yet.” Dwech goes into the idea of a fixed mindset with her students. After describing a the positive feedback of a growth mindset, she mentions the fixed mindset and how this makes students lead to failure. As she would describe it, “But other students felt it was tragic, catastrophic. From their fixed mindset perspective, their intelligence had been up for judgement, and they failed. Instead of luxuriating in the power of yet, they were gripped in the tyranny of now.” She begins to describe the power of yet as a path for the future while in fixed mindset fails to present that and will always be stuck in the present. Her concept of mindsets is able to put perspective on what most children face in school. This fits with her concept of mindset leading to improvement and that a fixed mindset is not gonna give you any improvement. Just as in high school, I had a fixed mindset when tackling assignments. I worried about the next grade and failing but not looking for improvement when I had failed. As I described my Junior year, “Junior year was a nightmare come to life. Homework had stopped counting so I just stopped caring to do homework. Constantly worrying for my grade and procrastinating till the last second.” Even for these changes, Grades were my only concern and if I failed, there was no improvement just not caring hoping I did better then some else. My high school self relates to the fixed mindset that Dwech does into detail with in her Ted talk. If I wanted to see improvement I should try her not yet process that could help me improve throughout college.
Having the not yet mindset, makes you think of the grade a different way, it shows you that you can get to the point. The way children are raised and grown up in life makes them all either be one person or have one certain mindset. “How are we raising our children? Are we raising them for now instead of yet?”. When kids get a grade like an F, they’re confidence on the subject goes down because they feel as if they should get it with one shot. A ‘not yet’ shows kids they can keep trying, they don’t have to get it on the first shot, if you keep trying at it you will get more experience with it and have a better overall knowledge of it instead of just going from one lesson to another and just focusing on that. On my post conference report rubric, Jesse wrote, “Ok you’re starting to introduce the tensions in this conversation” and gave me a grade of OK. Showing me i did an OK job on it and how I did an OK job, then in conference told me what to do to get it to excellent. So I know i did something write and i’m on the road to doing better. These two quoted portions fit together, by showing a good way to teach students to make them want to keep trying. Grading a different way and trying to make them better rather than just giving them a grade.
The second claim I am trying to make is to keep trying to get students to grow with different strategies. A quote from Dweck’s Ted Talk “…you see the fixed mindset students. There’s hardly an activity. They run from the error. … you have the student’s with the growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. They engage deeply.” There are two different types of students, the one’s who take on the challenge and are willing to grow when they fail, and the others are students who shy away from the challenge because they don’t think they can get to the point where they could solve it. If teachers with some subjects try to grade their students differently and let them know that it is ok that they don’t get it yet, that they will get it, it just takes effort. During Artifact #1, Jesse gave me different ideas to fix my mistakes from high school. He gave me a different outlook so I could do better and improve my ways. These two quoted portions fit together to fit my claim by, just actually helping your students in a different way. There are different ways to make a student better.
Journal 15
If all students were to have a growth mindset it is more than likely they will have a successful school career. According to Dweck “They understood that their abilities could be developed. They had what I called a growth mindset.” This quote fit perfectly with the first sentence because it explains how student who are willing to accept their failures and progress has a growth mindset.
In my journal reflections you can see the growth of my mind from my first journal to now. “I was always the one who wrote in steps and thought that would be okay, but the approach that Habits of the Creative Mind shows feels way better than just being a monotoned writer.” This quote ties in with the claim stated before because it explains how I use to write which is no longer accepted and how I was willing to adopt a new style of writing. This is a prime example of a growth mindset.
In “The Power of Yet”, Carol Dweck’s emphasizes that growth mindset is all about being able to see your future and wanting to develop your mind to see new ideas. During my Post conference report I was able to see how I have a growth mindset on what I wanted to exceed in. As I wrote in my Post conference report”I need to focus more on putting my oar into the conversation and to make clear what part of the conversation am I in or why I disagree with the conversation. I need to be able to describe the position in the conversation like what is at stake, who are the stakeholders and what is the tenor of the conversation.” Dweck talks about the “not yet” which is an alternative to letter grading. Not yet creates a new way of looking at your graded work and being able to see where you are now and where you can be in the future. I learned that when you approach any task the mindset you have for the task is going to determine how you do. If your having an open mind and can see the challenge in it you have a growth mindset but if your worried about it and don’t want to try you have a fixed mindset. The scientific studies Dweck mentions show that “ Fixed mindset students hardly have any brain activity. They run from the error. They don’t engage with it. But students with growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. They engage deeply. Their brain is on fire with yet. They engage deeply. They process the error. They learn from it and they correct it.” People with fixed mindset will not develop and will be avoidant of what they need to do. Others with growth mindset will improve and see the learning curve to the path of their future.
The questions that a student needs to ask themself to see if they’re a fixed or growth mind is do you want what you already have or do you want to change and challenge it. Between the post conference and this ted talks I have become more open to hearing about the way you think about the things you do is all dependent on the result. Teachers in my high school and even here have always told the students to have a positive attitude no matter what and now I understand why. If I were to receive a grade of a D I would feel horrible and not see the learning curve but if I got a not yet I would see that there is a learning curve that will lead to my future and that there is a way to develop better skills. The not yet gives students hope to progressing in their work.
When a student is willing to put the effort in they will transform their work. After my post conference I realized that even though I was doing my work, I wasn’t doing it to the best of my ability. I wasn’t talking a lot in class and I wasn’t inserting my opinion into my writing. Dweck points out that students in more underperforming places have made a large change in their effort and their difficulty with school. They went from being on the bottom of their district to the top of their district. She pinpoints that “ This happened because the meaning of effort and difficulty were transformed. Before effort and difficulty made them numb, made them feel like giving up, but now, effort and difficulty, that’s when their neurons are making new connections, stronger connections. That’s when they’re getting smarter.” When students are willing to put in more effort and challenging themselves, they’re able to grow and develope their minds to absorb more information. We have the ability to be capable of such a large growth but we need to be willing to put the effort in to create that growth.
Last class we watched a ted talk with the speaker, Carol Dweck. She talked about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. I experienced both a fixed and growth mindset throughout this semester, growth when I would work on my journals and fixed while working on the field notes.
A growth mindset happens when someone believes they are capable of expanding their knowledge and learning more. Dweck tells us about the outcome of giving 10 year olds math problems that are too difficult for them to solve, “Some of them reacted in a shockingly positive way. They said things like, “I love a challenge, or “You know I was hoping this would be more informative” (Dweck). When working on the journals I sometimes read about new ways to improve my writing and other skills that make me believe I’m capable of expanding my knowledge. In my journals I talk about how I can benefit from what I am reading and put what I am reading into my writing, which includes the templates in some of the sections we read.
On the field notes, I get a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset happens when someone doesn’t believe they’re not capable of expanding their knowledge. I have fallen behind on doing them and get caught up in other work so doing these assignments are usually the last things that come to mind. I plan to complete more this week and go to see the speaker on October 29 on the Portland campus. These two quoted portions fit together to support my claim because my struggle and success on these works fit the definition of a fixed and growth mindset.
with the not yet concept it is giving people or the students hope that they could do better if they just worked at it. in the ted talk they state that there are people who have a fixed mindset and people who have a growth mindset. the fixed mindset people are perfectly fine with being where they are at and don’t want to improve or they don’t feel the need to. The growth mindset person wants to improve in anyway they can they don’t want to ever settle where they are at they want to strive to be the best of the best.
After listening to Dweck’s ted talk i realize the importance of having the growth mind set as the semester moving forward, when I’m looking at my post conference report i realize to have growth mindset, and by looking at the not yet system, i realize i have the potential to grow. As the semester moving forward, i believe i have the right mindset which is growth mind-set to keep me improving. Dweck states “in one study, we taught them(students) that every time they push out of their comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brain can form new stronger connections, and over time, they can get smarter.” If you see a diagram of brain action that identify each mindset, you can see student with growth mindset their neurons in their brain are fully actively and it cause a processing development to brain. Moreover, in Dweck’ talk, she introduce a “yet” system” it give students a thought that they have the potential to grow, unlike a “F” which will cause student focus on the result rather then the process and eventually it will lead student to the enter the thought of error which is known as the fixed mindset. Coming into English 122 is a big challenge to me, especially English my second language, but with the understanding of growth mindset, i know what is needed to success and the use of “yet” system make me think that i have potential to improve the “not yet” work and keep push me working instead of giving up.
Journal #15
One thing coming from English high school class to our college English class is the “Not Yet” system. In high school we had the normal letter grades A-F, but that doesn’t tell us how we can improve or gives us the spirit too. Now in college we have the “Not Yet” system in our english class that shows us yeah we are doing good but we still have to improve but gives us the motivation too. Dweck said “ but if you get the grade “Not Yet”, you understand that you’re on a learning curve”. This shows that there is room for improvement. You have got the basics of it but you still have room to improve and make it better. Having our english have this system makes it less stressful. Instead of getting down on myself and thinking I just failed and don’t know anything. I just think okay so i got the basis of it done and I know what I’m doing but I still need to improve.
Dweck talks about having a fixed or growth mindset a lot. If you have a fixed mindset then you are running from what you are doing wrong and don’t make the change to fix it. If you have a growth mindset then you are looking for critiques so you can change and grow. “ ..the fixed mindset students… They run from error…. The growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed. I really like this thought because in this semester I have changed into a growth mindset. I know that if something happens and it’s not exactly what I wanted then I learn from it. I saw this a lot with my artifact #1. I had my paper in one big paragraph thinking back to high school ways. After working with Eric I saw that I could break down that paragraph so it looked like a real paper. Now I tie what I learned from the artifact #1 to all my papers to come.